Welcome to Our Astrology Sewa.

Astrology has the knowledge of a total of 18 sages, one day Ravana's father-in-law Mayasur did penance to Lord Surya. When Surya Dev was questioned, Mayasur asked Lord Suryadev for a blessing and Lord Suryadev says that he could not devote time. Because if I stand up, the earth will stand up, so I dedicated Suryapuranash to Lord Mayasur. Then astrology was formed and its main 3 parts fell, which was called Siddhanta, Samidh and Jyotishastra. From this astrology, Mayasur spread astrology, the moon and water have a direct relationship just like the full moon in the moon within the space system. Science also says that the human body is 70% water, just as humans need the light of the sun and the moon. It also indirectly requires the vision of the other 7 planets. As the planets change, so does human life. And to know and understand that change is astrology.

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